Browse The Top Political Memes

Results: 2154


Political Memes Political, Trump, Republicans, Republican, Obama, GOP text: CASE CLOSED For decades, democrats have been arguing that the Republican base is nothing but a collection of racist, sexist, xenophobic, unprincipled, morally bankrupt, anti- intellectual, anti-science imbeciles willing to burn the country to the ground for their culture war. Trump has now officially, and unequivocally proved it.  Political, Trump, Republicans, Republican, Obama, GOP


Political Memes Political, Obama, Biden, Trump, Steve Harvey, Republican text: RIGHT WINGER AGREEING WITH ME HOW TERRIBLE THE OEMS ARE  Political, Obama, Biden, Trump, Steve Harvey, Republican


political-memes political text: MommaT @tweetmommybop Name the one lie Donald told that bothers you most. Chet Powell @ChetPowell "l do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."  political


political-memes political text: Do you ever look at stuff and wonder how it got there?  political


political-memes political text: thomas violence @thomas_violence I love little cultural differences, like how Americans are super offended by the word cunt but here in Australia welre super offended by school children being slaughtered with automatic weapons  political


Political Memes Political, Obama, Two Corinthians, Jeff, Yale, See Dick  Jul 2020 Political, Obama, Two Corinthians, Jeff, Yale, See Dick


political-memes political text: rafael @rafaelshimunov A Twitter employee asked why their employer won


Political Memes Political, Trump, CNN, Obama, Hillary, Fox text: Trent Capelli VI @TrentCapelli Hillary and Obama aren


political-memes political text: Yeah, seiis great and all, but have you ever voted a Republican eout of office.  political


Political Memes Political, Obama, Trump, Libya, America, Middle East text: 8 Years Zero Indictments Zero Guilty Pleas Zero Cover-Ups One Tan Suit  Political, Obama, Trump, Libya, America, Middle East


Political Memes Political, President, Susan, November, Collins, Susan Collins text: Sen. Susan Collins @ @SenatorCol... • 11 h The President has not provided the kind of justification for the removal of IG Linick required by this law. 0 16.5K t_-0 1,169 0 5,274 < class="lazyload" The Hoarse Whisperer @HoarseWi... • 11 h Can we skip the part where you furrow your brow and just get right to where you roll over like a spineless and servile sycophant? We are all so bored by your bullshit. 0 113 0 13.2K < class="lazyload" t-J 1,371  Political, President, Susan, November, Collins, Susan Collins


Political Memes Political, Sloth, Trump, Chunk, Goonies, The Goonies text: Hey Twitter! Stop letting people know I


Political Memes Political, Trump, Kanye, Biden, Tomi Lahren, Sanders text: Tomi Lahrene @TomiLahren • 13h So Kanye is running for President now, huh? Where are all those folks who swore to us he was such a gift to conservatives? Ha I said it from the beginning. What a joke. 0 1,086 931 0 7,276 < class="lazyload" Scott Challeen @ScottChalleen Replying to @TomiLahren A celebrity with no government, elected, or military experience runs for president, whose wife got famous from smut films, and who has yet to articulate one policy point with any substance. And then there


Political Memes Political, Goonies, Mama Fratelli, The Goonies, Karen, Fratelli text:  Political, Goonies, Mama Fratelli, The Goonies, Karen, Fratelli


Political Memes Political, Kanye, Biden, Trump, Bernie, President text: If you are seriously worried about Kanye West stealing your sides votes, your side never had a good platform or candidate to begin with  Political, Kanye, Biden, Trump, Bernie, President


Political Memes Political, COVID, MAGA, China, Captain, Trump  Jun 2020 Political, COVID, MAGA, China, Captain, Trump


Political Memes Political, NRA, People, Antifa, American  Jun 2020 Political, NRA, People, Antifa, American


Political Memes Political, VP, Warren, Biden, Native American, Amy text:  Political, VP, Warren, Biden, Native American, Amy


Political Memes Political, Trump, PoliticalHumor, Obama, November, LxbNpyS text: "All the News That


political-memes political text: LOOK ΑΤ ΤΗΑΤ„, Ι g THERE ΑΝΥΤΑιω6 MORE ςυα ARE COME TAATKAUT9 NATl.JRALL9, 9 ASA MATTEROF FACTl 6EAUT6UC OLO ρεοριε ARE l-lJORKS 0F 8/31  political